more about me!


* They/Them
(Don't Mind Any Pronounce But Woman / Lady Like Terms Make Me Uncomfortable)
* 20 yr
* February 17th
* Asexual (ironic I know)
* Swedish (Native) / English
* Ambivert
* Self-proclaimed Clown


Hello, I'm Ace!
I play mostly HSR and Genshin Impact!
My main interests keep shifting and I tend to hyperfixate a lot but I have a vast universe of interests so I hope we can get along! 
I love to joke around, create shitposts and overall send love to my friends so I hope I can provide smiles to your life in some way cause that is forever the biggest payment I could receive

!!! DNI !!!

Honestly, I'm not picky, just don't interact if you dislike any of my friends or if you dislike my favs 
Also Scara / Wanderer is like a son to me so if you can't be decent about him around me, pls do not interact, some Scara fans are really something... 

I am a Takaradachi and Alban Knox will always have a special place in my heart!
It would make my world if you could give him even a tiny bit of support!

Artist: LiciaLurie

This Section Is Dedicated To Miha

You really mean the world to me, I sure hope you know that by now, I hope my actions and words reach you enough to fully know that I love you endlessly, infinity and beyond and even beyond that! 

Thank you for existing in my life and making my life brighter by simply conversing with me day by day, I feel delighted when we write and talk to each other and that is not a stretch in the slightest, I mean every word 

I feel the most comfortable around you, thank you for giving me a safe space and allowing me into your wonderful friend cycle as well, you bring me so much happiness in various ways, you don't even know how much

I feel more confident lately because I have you by my side, thank you for always backing me up when I need it, I can always count on you! Let's continue to be there for each other okay?

You impact my life in so many positive ways, if you ever doubt yourself, I want you to know there is a person right here who is thankful for so much that you provide even without knowing it, I am sure I am not the only one who thinks that way about you cause you are genuinely such a lovable person.

No matter what happens I want you to know that I believe in you!! Take your time to figure things out, I will provide my utmost support the entire way of your journey, I want to see you succeed but know there is nothing wrong with taking a slow pace, you are valuable and I am rooting for you and genuinely believe that you will do great! 

I could be here love mailing you endlessly, honestly, cause you just mean that much to me and I have so much good things to say about you that it gets jumbled up in my head, but please don't ever forget that I mean it, you mean the world to me and I will repeat it as many times as needed! 

Thank you for everything, but most importantly Thank you for being you

I love you Miha 
Jag Älskar Dig 
Я тебя люблю

♡ Thank You ♡